Video, 2015-2019
• horror movie I
• horror movie II
• horror movie III
• horror movie IV
• horror movie V
• horror movie VI
• horror movie VII
• horror movie VIII
Mit Offenen Fragen, 2016
Episode I: Malte Funke
Episode II: Berte Lorenz De Roel
Episode III: Rio von Rochez
Episode IV: Moritz Liebsockel
Episode V: Milde Størnberg
is a four-minute video that captures the act of the artist bathing in an artificial waterfall in the europark shopping mall in berlin. the performance looks at the relationship between public and private, inside and outside, and demonstrates the emancipation of the artist’s body, which extends from within the confines of the modern-day palace of consumption into the public spaces beyond its walls.
salzburg, europark shopping mall
watering the flowers
the performance is recorded onto 16 mm film
the performance at mirabellen garten in salzburg arose from similar, earlier works carried out in various parks across europe, including in görlitzerpark in berlin, and london fields in london. the performance sees the artist watering flowers in the park in her bathing suit in a reference to the lumere brother's film the sprinkler sprinkled of 1895.
salzburg mirabellen garten
arm wrestling object
video stills
the piece consists of fired - clay objects. these were formed by placing the material between the artist's pressed together palms. exerting force onto the material creates a negative shape –thereby doubling the trace of the body and producing a paradoxical interpretation of a duel carried out by one person by herself.
ufa hallen berlin
dancing on carl andre
Hamburger Bahnhof Berlin